


The Wells Marble workers’ compensation team members played a big part in this year’s 34th Annual Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Educational Association (MWCEA) Conference. This gathering of over 600 professionals was co-hosted by the MWCC and MWCEA and was held in Biloxi at the Beau Rivage April 12-14.

Once again, Wells Marble was a prime sponsor of the event.  Additionally, we were a sponsor for the MWCEA Golf Tournament Benefiting Kids Chance of Mississippi and were donors in support of the Kids’ Chance Silent Auction.

Wells Marble team members also had “hands-on” roles.  Member, Matt Hetzel, presented to a room full of employers, insurance carriers, adjusters, medical professionals, judges, attorneys, and more, at a two-part “Speed Dating, Workers’ Comp Style” session on various topics including how to avoid litigation, mental/idiopathic claims, second-hand injury, and more.

Attorney, Hunter Horne, participated in the conference by moderating a panel of physicians and medical professionals regarding the challenges and strategies for treating the mind and body of the amputee in the workers’ compensation setting. Hunter has been serving on the Steering Committee for the MWCEA throughout the year helping in the planning of this event. Hunter is also now a Board Member of the Kids’ Chance Mediation Board.

Another Wells Marble member and current MWCEA Board Member, Roxanne Case, attended the event and helped all year long to plan and put on the conference.  Roxanne was also recently selected to serve on the Executive Committee of the Board as Secretary.

Finally, we are honored to announce that member, Betty Arinder, was the recipient of the Sam Cox Spirit Award.  This award honors a non-lawyer member of the Mississippi workers’ compensation community who epitomizes the wonderful traits for which Sam was known. The recipient exemplifies Sam’s inimitable spirit, his love of life, and his positive influence on our world. Betty is all of these things, and we are so proud that she is a member of the Wells Marble team.

Our firm is very proud to have been so involved in this wonderful 2023 event!

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